Friday, April 27, 2012

Reference Groups

As the end of the school year approaches, I've been getting graduation announcements from cousins and younger friends graduating high school..It seems their biggest worry is of course

"High School is ending, these are the best years of my life. I will never make better friends than the ones I have now!"

I can't help but think how young and foolish they sound.

This brought me to realize the different amounts of references available in college.

There are:

Athletic Teams

The Greek Life

The Campus Crusaders 

The skiing community

The snowboarding community

The crazy party go-ers

The Library kids

The Rec center, fitness students

and not to mention all of the offered clubs throughout the University...

If only I could let them know..or if only they would listen...
But I didn't then...why would they?
They are in for an always welcome surprise.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Alright, I admit it..

I am once again posting about Justin Bieber..

But I has to do with consumer behavior

After a recent trip to Denver, a fellow friend and I realized we had more in common than we expected, and indeed it was our love for Justin. To make life better, upon arriving home her roommates had a surprise waiting for her..and yes I already have one now too..


With two different toothbrushes and four different song choice options, I can't help but think this is the coolest singing toothbrush ever...and let's be honest.. it SINGS.

Pushing my bias aside, my friends and I couldn't help but discuss how brilliant this product is. The Biebs appeals to girls of all ages, starting from women in their 30's. 

How perfect would it be to inspire kid's to brush their teeth if their toothbrush sings?

I know if I was still young this idea would be the coolest toothbrush ever...

And let's be honest, it's just too perfect to be brushing your teeth to the sweet tune of 

"You smile, I smile"

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Pure Barre

Pure Barre Bozeman
Opens May 10, 2012


Such an amazing workout!

While down in Denver for instructor training, I was able to hear the history and amazing opportunities this company offers. Check it out!

As you can see, my friend and I are getting our butt's kicked. Pure Barre is meant to appeal to women of all ages, it's main scheme is to simply be a lifestyle, not just a workout.

It's a very inspiring story, and brilliant subtle marketing plan.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Internet Advertising

No matter how often I shop online, I am always remarkably surprised by the Internet's ability to remember where I was last shopping and then apply it to let's say.. the weather that I'm checking.

Even last night, I was looking up a new brand called Splits 59. 

This morning, as I get on to google, check my email, the weather, D2L..the usual morning list..
I see on my side bars, new advertisements.

For Splits 59.

I know this is not an unheard of thing, in fact I see it daily and am aware that it is happening...
But it still surprises me. Always.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

It's Easter...

And that means one thing. 

Reese's Peanut Butter Cups shaped like eggs.

(My favorite)

If I have a weakness, it would be a giant Reese's Peanut Butter Cup..
It's safe to say I'm obsessed. 
And while my favorite candy tastes best shaped like an egg- it also becomes a sad day 
when Reese's Peanut Butter Cups no longer have a seasonal shape. 

As a Peanut Butter Cup Connoisseur, I take pride in my knowledge that..
In October, we have Pumpkin shaped Reese's.
In December, Christmas Trees.
In February, Hearts.
And In April, Eggs.

Now this is all great fun and something to look forward too. Reese's has done a wonderful job in maintaining seasonal shapes in order to appeal to people like me...

The issue is.. the 6 month break where there aren't any fun shaped Peanut Butter Cups.
I propose that they at least come out with a Star Shaped Cup for the 4th of July.

It's a long 6 months. 

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Do you have the Fever?
Bieber Fever
That is......

This teen has stolen the hearts of most of the nation.
But has he stolen yours?

Not only is he talented and one of the most successful 18 year-olds today,
but he has an amazing marketing staff.

I have to admit, it took me awhile to cave into the Bieber Fever, I was always a fan of his music, but I thought he would be a phase. Come and go like the Aaron Carter's and Jesse McCartney's of my age.
Yet- here he is, still going strong. 

I would adore meeting his marketing team. 
Some say Justin went overboard, with his movie, his nail-polish line, his perfume. 
I say..... GENIUS.

The team look at the demographics, and at his fan base.. and nailed it.
When I was younger I would have adored Aaron Carter nail polish...
How cool would that have been?

Besides the obvious success.. The young kid still amazes me with his never-ending talent.